

1】 How often will the woman take the medicine?
A. Six times a week B. Three times a day C. Four times a day
W: What should I do if I want to get rid of my bad cough?
M: Take this medicine every six hours. Then you are sure to recover in a week.
【解析】在此段对话中,听音的重点在男士的话语中,关键信息是”every six hours”。一天天有二十四个小时,服药的间隔时间是六个小时,将这两个时间做简单的除法,得出的答案就是C选项。
【2】 How much should the man’s rent be?
A. $500. B. $250 C. $25
M: How much money will I have to prepare to rent an apartment in America? Actually, I only have $ 1000 a month.
W: Your rent should be about a quarter of that.
【解析】本题的听力原文中出现了两个关键词$1000和a quarter of that,因此只要明白了其中a quarter of的意思,就可以判定答案为B。
