

M: Did you see the information on sales for last year? The sales review was made at our last board meeting. There"s a great news for our shareholders.

F: Yeah, I went over the figures this morning. We"re finally started making money again!

M: We"ve never sold this much before, our growth this year has been phenomenal. We have captured 8% of the market, up from last year by 120%. Our strategy is working!

F: not only our annual sales brake a record, but our month by month earnings exceeded our forecast as well. After a two-year slump, we finally back in the black.

M: The company"s performance has improved since Wallace became president. He"s made our little business into a real lucrative operation. Products are selling like hotcakes.

F: I think our success is partly because of Wallace"s contribution, and partly because of our new marketing strategy. Because of the new advertising campaign, we have become the top sellers in the field.

M: Let"s hope this stroke of good luck lasts. I hope we are over our financial difficulties for good. But it"s still too soon to know if our sales success is a long term trend.

F: Let"s hope it is!去年的销售情况你看了吗?我们上次的董事会上检查了一下销售情况.我们的股东要有好消息听了.
以前我们从来没有卖过那么多产品,今年我们的发展势头一直很不错.我们已占领了市场的8个百分点,比去年上升120%. 我们的销售策略起作用了.
让我们充满信心吧!Board: a group of people who have power to make decisions and control a company or other organization (公司或其他机构的)董事会,委员会,理事会 C sing./pl. verb

She has a seat on the board of directors. 她是董事会成员.
The board is/are unhappy about falling sales. 董事会对销售额下降感到不满.
members of the board 全体委员
phenomenal: very great or impressive 了不起的;非凡的 adjective

The product has been a phenomenal success. 这一产品获得了极大的成功.
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