

eggplant; aubergine

I want some eggplant , cucumbers , carrots and peas . 我要一些茄子,黄瓜,胡萝卜和豌豆。

2.The shelves were filled with all sorts of vegetables -- eggplants , cucumbers , cabbages , tomatoes . 茄子啊,黄瓜啊,卷心菜啊,西红柿啊,各种蔬菜摆满了货架。

3.I " ll have eggplants , mashed potatoes and green beans 我要茄子、土豆泥和青豆。

4.Aubergines . . . - there " s our bait , phillip 茄子. . . -那就是我们的诱饵,菲利普

5.- aubergines . . . - there " s our bait , phillip -茄子. . . -那就是我们的诱饵,菲利普

6.In the next section , plant some eggplant of many varieties 在下一圈种植各种茄子。

7.There are globe eggplant and japanese long eggplant 有圆茄子和长茄子之分。

8.Aubergines . - there " s our bait , phillip -茄子. -那就是我们的诱饵,菲利普

9.Selection of new early maturing eggplant variety minqie 茄子早熟新品种闽茄二号的选育

10.Using eggplant in axilliary to treat pityriasis versicolor 茄子佐治花斑癣
