

考试资料网英语口语频道为大家整理的日常英语口语900句:礼多人不怪,供大家参考:) 礼多人不怪


Wang Mei 要和她的老板到西餐厅吃饭,向Daisy 请教西餐礼仪。Daisy 帮她解决了这个难题。


(以下W代表Wang Mei,D代表Daisy) W: Some problem is really eating away at me. D: What happened? W: I am going to a western restaurant for dinner with my boss. Can you tell me some dos and don"ts? After all. courtesy costs nothing. D: Well. first you need to make a reservation before you cat at a western restaurant. If not. you may have to wait for a long time for a table. W: Oh, I see. Anything else? D : When eating, don"t slurp your food. Western people will find it most unpleasant. W: But in China, it is a good way to show how much we like this food. D: When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Then, you should remember to pay tip after eating. W: How much should I pay for the tip? D: The amount of the tip is up to you, but it"s usually 15 to 20 percent of the bill.


1.此处出现了消音的现象,what happened 读作/"wɒ "hæpən/。 2.dos 中的"s" 此处发音为/z/,而don"ts 词尾的字母t 与s 连读为/ts/。dos and don"ts 在此指“注意事项”。 3.find it 连读作/faɪn dɪ/。


s的变音 dos and don"ts 中s的发音并不是它原来的读音/s/,而是发生了变音。这是s在不同情况下的变音,具体情况如下: 1.s在词首时,读/s/,如:sister/"sɪstə/,sweater/ˈswetə/。 2.s在词尾一般读/s/,如:yes /jes/。但在少数词中读/z/,如:his /hɪz/。 3.s在清辅音前后读/s/,如:books /"bʊks/,best/best/。 4.s在浊辅音前后以及元音后一般读/s/,如:bags/bæɡz/,whose/hu:z/。 5.在t和d之后的s分别与t和d连读为/ts/和/dz/,如:cats /kæts/,foods/fu:dz/。
