


Unit 1 WARMING UP Answers: 1 Archimedes, Ancient Greek (287-212 BC) He was a mathematician. He found that if you put an object into water the water pushes the object up. It rises and partly floats. The force of the water pushing it up is the same as the weight of the object. 2 Charles Darwin, British (1808-1882) The Origin of Species was published in 1859. It explained how plants and animals had changed over time to fit in with a changing environment. At the time it was published it was very controversial. Many people believed the Bible when it said that God made the first two people (Adam and Eve) and that all other people came from these two. Darwin’s book showed that people had developed from apes instead. So this caused a lot of argument between religious and scientific people. However Darwin’s idea became very influential and is still accepted today. 3 Thomas Newcomen, British (1663-1729) He improved the first steam pump built by Thomas Savery in 1698 and turned it into a steam engine for taking water out of mines in 1712. James Watt improved it still further in the 1770s turning it into the first modern steam engine used on the railways. 4 Gregor Mendel, Czech (1822-1884) He grew pea plants and developed ideas on heredity and inherited characteristics. He concentrated on cross-fertilising pea plants and analyzing the results. Between
1856-1863 he grew 28,000 pea plants. He examined seven kinds of seed and plant characteristics and developed some laws of inheritance. The first is that inheritance factors do not combine but are passed to the next generation intact. Second, he found that each partner gives half the inherited factors to the young. Third, some of these factors show up in the offspring (and so are dominant). The other factors are masked by the dominant ones (and so are recessive). 5 Marie Curie, Polish and French (1867-
