

Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
What sort of build is Philip?
build sth. v.
We built a shelter in two days.
built up one‘s business
He built up his business from nothing.
building 建筑
high-rise building 高层建筑
build shape figure 身材
What sort of build is he?
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
He is a big guy.
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
Will is tall and quite lanky.
He is tall and lanky.
He is stout.
He is chubby.
She has small build.
She is slim.
crooked nose, big eyes, thick eyebrows
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
What does Cindy look like?
appearance 外表
look v. 看 n. 长相、样子
What does she look like?
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
She has big blue eyes and blonde hair.
The eyes are the window to your heart.
blonde 金发碧眼的
black dark hazel 褐色的
emerald eyes 淡绿色眼睛
liquid eyes 水汪汪的眼睛
expressive eyes 会说话的眼睛
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
She has big blue eyes and blonde hair.
black hair 黑色的头发 light yellow hair 淡黄色头发
fair hair 淡黄色头发 golden hair 金色头发
brunette hair 栗红色头发 grey hair 灰白头发
long hair 长发 short hair 短发
pony tail 马尾辫 Claire wears a pony tail.
straight hair 直发
curly hair 卷发 wavy hair 波浪发
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
She has big blue eyes and blonde hair.
high bridged nose 高鼻梁的鼻子
flat nose 扁鼻子 snub nose 蒜头鼻
sexual mouth sexy mouth lips 嘴唇
forehead 前额 cheek 面颊 cheekbone 颧骨
high cheekbones 高颧骨 jaw 下巴
She takes after her mother.
take after 继承
I take after my mother.
Lesson Seven Appearance 外貌
Roy looks exactly like his father.
He looks exactly like ...
They could be twins.
look-alike contest
