

436. What do you think? Is that right?你怎么想的?那是对的吗?

  437. Certainly. You"re absolutely right about that.当然,你做得绝对正确。

  438. I think you"re mistaken about that.我认为那事儿你错了。

  439. I like hot weather best.我最喜欢热天了。

  440. Personally, I prefer winter weather.个人觉得,我更喜欢冬天。

  441. Do you think it"s going to rain tomorrow?你认为明天会下雨吗?

  442. I don"t know whether it will rain or not.我不知道会不会下雨。

  443. In my opinion, that"s an excellent idea.在我看来,那个主意非常好。

  444. Why is Mr. Cooper so tired? Do you have any idea?你知道库伯先生为什么这么累吗?

  445. He"s tired because he worked hard all day today.因为他今天一整天都在努力工作。

  446. What do you think of my children?你觉得我的孩子们怎么样?

  447. I think you have very attractive children.我觉得他们很有魅力。

  448. Please give me your frank opinion.请给我你最真诚的建议。

  449. Do you really want to know what I think?你真的想知道我在想什么吗?

  450. Of course I want to know what your opinion is.我当然想知道你的想法。
