

and weighed a ton. Most people are heartless about turtles because a turtle‘s heart will beat for hours after he has been cut up and butchered. But the old man thought, I have such a heart too and my feet and hands are like theirs. He ate the white eggs to give himself strength. He ate them all through May to be strong in September and October for the truly big fish.   他对海龟并不抱着神秘的看法,尽管他曾多年乘小船去捕海龟。他替所有的海龟伤心,甚至包括那些跟小船一样长、重达一吨的大梭龟。人们大都对海龟残酷无情,因为一只海龟给剖开、杀死之后,它的心脏还要跳动好几个钟点。然而老人想,我也有这样一颗心脏,我的手脚也跟它们的一样。他吃白色的海龟蛋,为了使身子长力气。他在五月份连吃了整整一个月,使自己到九、十月份能身强力壮,去逮地道的人鱼。      He also drank a cup of shark liver oil each day from the big drum in the shack where many of the fishermen kept their gear. It was there for all fishermen who wanted it. Most fishermen hated the taste. But it was no worse than getting up at the hours that they rose and it was very good against all colds and grippes and it was good for the eyes.   他每天还从不少渔夫存放家什的棚屋中一只大圆桶里舀一杯鲨鱼肝油喝。这桶就放在那儿,想喝的渔夫都可以去。大多数渔夫厌恶这种油的味道。但是也并不比摸黑早起更叫人难受,而且它对防治一切伤风流感都非常有效,对眼睛也有好处。      Now the old man looked up and saw that the bird was circling again.   老人此刻抬眼望去,看见那只鸟儿又在盘旋了。      "He‘s found fish," he said aloud. No flying fish broke the surface and there was no scattering of bait fish. But as the old man watched, a small tuna rose in the air, turned and dropped head first into the water. The tuna shone silver in the sun and after he had dropped back into the water another and another rose and they were jumping in all directions, churning the water and leaping in long jumps after the bait. They were circling it and driving it.   “它找到鱼啦,”他说出声来,这时没有一条飞鱼冲出海面,也没有小鱼纷纷四处逃窜。然而老人望着望着,只见一条小金枪鱼跃到空中,一个转身,头朝下掉进水里。这条金枪鱼在阳光中闪出银白色的光,等它回到了水里,又有些金枪鱼一条接着一条跃出水面,它们是朝四面八方跳的,搅得海水翻腾起来,跳得很远地捕食小鱼。它们正绕着小鱼转,驱赶着小鱼。      If they don‘t travel too fast I will get into them, the old man thought, and he watched the school working the water white and the bird now dropping and dipping into the bait fish that were forced to the surface in their panic.   要不是它们游得这么快,我可以赶到它们中间去的,老
