

not offensive is that attention falls upon males and females equally.

“When it falls equally upon everybody, you have to think that maybe there is no ulterior motive. Maybe we’re staring because they’re amazing.

“That’s it! How are you going to not stare? That would be like being too polite to stare at a comet,” Williams wrote.

Indeed, how top athletes’ bodies work is amazing. Some lift weights many times greater than their own, while others run 100-meters in less than 10 seconds.

“You do not debase them when you go on about an athlete’s thighs; his or her body is indivisible from their life’s work, which is their pride and joy,” Williams said.

“To say she’s perfect is like telling someone they have cute children. Plus, there is the simple mathematics that it’s impossible to offend, by objectifying, gazing, fixating, or obsessing over in any other way, someone who is so superior.”

“Look at this … what a beautiful boy … Sorry …” The father of Chad Le Clos, talking as a guest commentator on the BBC, was overwhelmed.

“Is this live?” he asked. “Yes,” his partner said, cheerfully. Before he’d even considered the fact that South African swimmer Chad Le Clos had beaten Michael Phelps, the greatest Olympian of all time, in the 200m butterfly, he was baffled, brought to the very edge of comprehension, by his own son’s beauty.

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